We recommend that you fly into Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport. From U.S., Canada, and some other countries you can fly into any major European hub and get a connecting flight to Lyon.
From Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport take the tram/train called the Rhone Express (a red train) to Lyon-Part-Dieu train station. Follow the many signs for the Rhone Express in the airport. Red kiosks to buy tickets are located at the door before you exit the airport. We emphasize the Lyon-Part-Dieu train station because there are several train stations in Lyon and it is the only one that goes to Le Puy.
Sometimes the train from Lyon to Le Puy transfers in the city of St. Etienne. The city has four train stations so make sure you go to the St Etienne-Chateaucreux station. The official website for the French railways (SNCF) is: www.voyages-sncf.com. Contact us if you need other information.
Please let us know the time of your arrival in Le Puy and we will pick you up at the train and/or bus station.