Alison was a participant in the Mission Effectiveness program, which offers a pilgrimage for lay partners in mission and provides an immersion experience into the original spirit and global dimension of the charism and spiritual tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph. It invites people who are associated with the ministries founded by the Sisters of Saint Joseph as administrators, staff persons, board members, and supporters.
I did not realize the meaning of the word, "gift," that God has given us the gifts so that we can distribute them. I was not aware of my gifts. I always believed what Sr. Dolores said "that we cannot be in union with God if we are not in union with others. We cannot say we love God we also have to love others." I did not realize that God is, in fact, inspiring all of us, that we are part of a movement, a dance, and our desire for a world of love is pushing us to stand and dance so that we are all One in the dance.
You can't do it alone, you must do it in community. And it is the combined gifts of many that allow wonderful miracles to happen.
This experience of sharing with like-minded members has not only energized me but it has provided impetus to work with commitment and dedication. It has made me realize that mine is a small part but an important one in the whole design. To do the best in the situation that God has placed me and to leave the rest in His hands. It is His work and He knows how to complete and obtain the best of results.
Mi ha permesso di avere maggiore conoscenza delle S.S.G. e di addentrarmi nel carisma.
Si, la spiritualità tra le suore si esprime in modo diverso ma le radici sono comuni: si basano su una forte importanza della
reazione e un legame indissolubile con il mondo laico con cui le suore interagiscono e tra cui passano "inosservate." Il loro scopo principale è aiutare, servire. Il centro comune deue rimanere l'Eucarestia che di tutti a rende uno.
Six women and a thread woven
Across the cobblestones
Up and down the hills
Across the crooked bridge
To the hearth of the fireplace
Around the Tree of Martyrs
To catch 15 of us
And weave us into the story of
Six women and a thread.
Linda, CSJ Associate
Le Puy, a journey of a life time
We traveled through centuries to once again
Be One.
With a grateful heart,
I am once again blessed.
Our feet on the same cobblestones
Our prayer in the same church
Our hearts full of the same love
Our past laced together with the present
"We are all one."
Sr. Frankie
"I'm delighted to experience the wonderful hospitality of the International Centre and also the positive interactions we've had from the people of France, especially when I got lost and my 'new friend,' Marie, drove me back to the Centre.
Joannie K
Standing at the tree where our sisters were martyred--and praying for my own courage to stand up for injustice.
"I thank God that I got a chance to come to France and visit Le Puy and our foundresses' places. I like the place, Le Puy. It is very holy, very calm, and it has a quiet, prayerful atmosphere. I liked the Centre because at least we have one in Le Puy to keep these kinds of programs." Sr. Anita, India
"I was deeply touched and moved by the bare Kitchen where the six sisters gathered around the hearth for prayer, sharing and with zeal responded to God's call by reaching out to the dear neighbor." Sr. Francis Xavier, India
"Un petit mot qui dit tout ce que m'habite c'est le simple juste un encouragement aux personnes de la maison que le seigneur -- tout puissant nous donne son amour, les grâce -- vous avez besoins et le goût d'être ensemble et de revivre ensemble. Merci, merci infiniment merci." Sr. Marie, Burkina Faso
My deep experience is love for the founder and foundresses and love for the congregation. Union with God and each sister in the congregation of St. Joseph. And the sacred thread which binds us together. I was touched by the life of our first sisters. Their lives brought me very close to each other. I loved the Centre and Le Puy. These were amazing experiences. And the visiting of the holy places gave me the boost for my prayer life. Thank you for this opportunity. Sr. Felisita, India
"I cannot say enough about the value of the diversity of the group--the work that made it possible was tremendous. The participants with multiple lanugaes were so good about translating at meal time."
"Diversity of the group seemed to be essential for this program. It was a living witness to the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Very stimulating!"
"The presence and participation of 22 Sisters of St. Joseph from [five] continents speaking at least four languages facilitated by translators gave me the experience of oneness in diversity of languages and culture. Everyone took their time to wait for the translations and also used gestures to reach/convey understanding. An example for our world which now tends toward 'nationalism' and closed borders. This witness of the double union is needed now more than ever. I hope you will continue multi-lingual, multi-cultural programs. It's the way forward and our charism is needed."
"I experienced internationality in the group. Diverse cultures, diverse language, but still I felt as one family. Though I did not understand all the languages, still I was able to communicate in various ways. I felt that all the sisters were very simple as simplicity is one of the virtues of St. Joseph."
The last stop of the Le Puy city tour was the Église du College, the Jesuit-founded church where Father Medaille once preached. After a brief explanation of the prominent features of the church, the group sat in the first few pews for silent prayer. Maureen sang "Ave Maria" a cappella and moved the group with her beautiful voice. Maureen describes herself as a semi-professional singer who does religious music and jazz. The music was a fitting end to the group's three days in Le Puy.
Inspired by the sacred spaces and stories of our founding sisters (and brothers) as well as my pilgrim companions. Challenged to live the gifts of grace of love.
My experience at the International Centre was a journey with companions into the heart of God—a changing awareness and deepening of my vocation. Maryanne
A blessing. Sheila
The Pilgrimage Experience has been an opportunity for deepening my SSJ identity allowing the time to become more aware of the gift of PRESENCE and ministry of PRESENCE. Rosanne
Literally standing and walking in the footsteps of our first Sisters has been a very sacred experience. Joan
The fire of the Spirt went through the entire time in Le Puy. Mary Esther
SSJ Hospitality at its finest. Pat
The pilgrimage has been a profound experience of heritage and hope. The bonds and memories created in these ten days will surely continue to bless us.
Powerful and Inspiring Experience. "M.E"
"Though I did not know what to expect, all expectations and hopes were surpassed. There is simply no substitution for time invested in something you care about--in this case the legacy of the CSJs. To experience it with students, faculty and staff made it all the more special because we could all just be one. It was also wonderful for me to be a participant in the process--not the leader, but the student. I had the chance to absorb and imagine. Both of you [on staff] provided the security and comfort of a "home" in which everyone could relax, enjoy, savor, and reflect. Your hospitality made all that possible for not just Mark and me, but for everyone there. Students, especially, live in a world of constant evaluation and sometimes I feel that I do too. For a week, all of that was suspended. I've very grateful for all the joy you shared...." President ReBecca Roloff with her husband, Mark
"It is always a joy to see our holy places through the eyes of new visitors. The St Kate’s group came with open hearts and it was a delight to travel with them. LePuy cooperated with wonderful spring weather so we daily rejoiced in forsythia and flowering trees as well as the shrines, cathedral, and dear original kitchen. Olga and Eluiza epitomized CSSJ hospitality and made our stay homelike and comfortable, offering space for relaxation and reflection. Truly it was a privilege to be a part of this pilgrimage." Sr. Kitty Hanley & Sr. Joan Lescinski, pilgrimage leaders
"Standing in the Kitchen reminded me of standing on the shoulders of our foremothers where they nourished themselves physically and spiritually and led me on the road of their lives." Nidhi of India
"It was very meaningful to me. It was very touching to be on the ground where our first sisters were. Coming there so many years later was emotional for me knowing that the first sisters were present there, living there. It was holy ground for us.
Renata of Brazil
"When I saw all the things there, I thought the sisters were living there very simply. And that they were really living our charism. They were living their poverty but in a joyful way; they were not sad. Also, the sisters were self-sustainable because they worked outside in order to provide for themselves. The sisters were living and working as well."
Christine of Madagascar